Bill and Jill Need a Will

Bill and Jill are in their early 30’s. They have two children ages 1 and 4. They are trying to instill in them principles of faithful giving to their church. They both are nearing the end of paying off their student loans but still have a small amount of credit card debt, their mortgage, car payments and …well how did life get so expensive?

They both try to save some each month and have made some progress on their retirement accounts and have a small savings in their bank account.

They now realize more than ever that life is not guaranteed and want to make sure that if something were to happen to one or both of them, their kids and family would be taken care of and they will have done all they could to have their affairs in order.

But Bill and Jill are busy. They don’t have a clear understanding of how much it costs to get a will, how they will find time with kids to sit down and create it and how much time and effort will be needed to complete it. Once all else is figured out, they would be open to leaving something for their church or a mission project in their will.

You may find yourself in a similar situation as Bill and Jill. Planned Giving and Trust Services is happy to offer assistance to anyone in need of learning the ins and outs of creating a will, estate planning and more.

To learn more, click here to contact us today.